Friday, April 14, 2006


Easter is in two days, and yet until today I had not really thought about the true reason for it. Tomorrow is both our church Easter Egg Hunt and mine and Matthew's 6th wedding anniversary. Both are exciting events. Another year of marriage to a wonderful Christian man is a blessing for which I am so grateful. And of course, Matthew and I are equally blessed to be the parents of such a precious gift from the Lord as Philip is. We can't wait to see him trying his hand at making an Easter craft and stumbling around as we point to plastic eggs, "Put it in your basket!"

However neither event comes close to remembering the main picture. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died a horrific death and in doing so took away the sins of the world. What He went through leaves me speechless. Especially in thinking that He did die for the world but He would have endured it just the same if I were the only one needing salvation. He would have done it for you alone also. I just finished watching "The Passion of the Christ." I won't say watch it for who the director is or because of all the controversy it caused. I will say watch it if you would like because in today's society we are unfamiliar with the proceedings of a crucifixion. I came away from it with a deeper sense of my unworthiness for such grace and a desire to try in all circumstances to be more like Jesus. He did everything for us; the least I can do is my best for Him.

If you've seen the movie, you know what the last scene is... it's my favorite! Jesus died, but after three days He was resurrected. Brought back to life! Through His death and resurrection, we are assured eternal life after our death on earth if we have asked Him to be our Lord and Savior. If you have not done that yourself, please talk with someone you know who has or visit

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