Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

Thursday was a great day as we continued just relaxing and enjoying being together with Lori, Jonathan and Hannah. Each morning was funny as Philip would wake up first, look for Hannah, be told she was sleeping and to be quiet, and then be greeted a little while later by a very excited Hannah who came running into the playroom looking for Philip.

Lori was a wonderful Thanksgiving hostess and began preparation for our meal at mid-morning. The rest of us watched some of the Macy's parade and football as the kids played.

We all did spend some time outside in the beautiful south Florida weather as Philip and Hannah burned even more calories (those two hardly ever slowed down!).

But I can't complain as it always brought forth good, long naps in the afternoons. This week was Philip's first experience not sleeping in a crib or Pack 'N Play. Lori had borrowed a toddler air mattress and he slept so well on it. (We're planning to move him into the twin bed in his room this weekend!)

Before naptime, Lori brought out the supplies for Hannah and Philip to make their first Thanksgiving craft - a Native American headdress! It was fun, but unfortunately neither was too excited about wearing the "hats".

As the ever-proud mom, the headdress was packed in the suitcase and Philip decided he would like to wear it once we were home.

The adults played a few games of darts while the kids slept before heading back inside to finish the Thanksgiving dinner preparations. After much hardwork, we sat down to a fabulous meal. Our menu included turkey, corn casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes, orange cranberry relish, sweet potato souffle, pear and spinach salad, and crescent rolls.

Matthew, Philip and me

Jonathan, Lori, and Hannah

One very proud Grandma! A grandmother's love is something you definitely have to experience to understand. How great to watch the children you raised raise children of their own, and to have those grandchildren be as sweet as these two!

Dinner was great, but as always at Thanksgiving, we all got up from the table a little uncomfortable. A walk through the neighborhood and quaint-small-town park was in order. It sounds like a simple day, but God's blessings were abundant! To have a loving, Christian family, plenty to eat, and a personal relationship with the Maker of the Universe to whom I give all thanks is more than one person can ask for!

The day ended with Uncle Jonathan showing Hannah and Philip a website which previewed what we would be seeing the next day... Sea World!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hooray ... Philip wore his hat!!! We miss you guys! Hannah asks about Philip every morning.