Wednesday, April 25, 2007

38 Week OB Check-up

Well, I've progressed a little more this week and at my appointment today, the doctor said I am now 2 centimeters dilated! Our ultrasound also went very well however the baby is not as big as I was thinking she might be (what a relief!). She is estimated as weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. which makes me not so concerned to get her out immediately. I'm still having contractions throughout the day so there's just no way to know when she'll be arriving.

Yesterday I decided to pull out the stops in trying to go into labor. Monday night, Matthew, Philip and I walked around the neighorhood (including the biggest hill!) and Tuesday I drank three cups of Raspberry Zinger Tea. (I drank two cups the night before my water broke with Philip so I had high hopes. Now I think the timing was just right that time but not this time.) These pregnancy-inducing myths prove to be BUSTED as nothing happened last night and for most of today. During our evening prayer service, I had four contractions which brings me to my frustration. When I sit still for some time, I begin having contractions but as soon as I get up and start moving around, they stop.

This morning, I decided God's plan will beat out every myth everytime. He brought to my mind two scripture verses which I will cling to throughout the next few days in combatting the struggle of trying to control this situation (my doctor did ask if I wanted to think about doing something medically to start labor but since the baby is still less than 8 lbs., I'd rather wait and let things happen naturally).

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord." Isaiah 55:8

1 comment:

Casey Wallace said...

Hang in there, Kim! Waiting EIGHT days past my due date was the hardest thing. I think I tried every inducing trick out there. Nothing works. You're right, God has a plan. Trust in Him. She'll come when you least expect it, I'm sure.