Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back in Blog World!

Yes, we're all still alive and kicking. Much to update about but not much time to do so. Matthew, the kids and I got home today from visiting my Grandma and Grandpa Diemer (Mom's parents), Aunt Cathy (Hey Aunt Cathy! Here's a new post just for you!) and Liz (Mom's sisters), and Bruce (Cathy's husband) over the weekend. We left Thursday after Matthew got off work so it was a nice 5 day visit. We had a really great time together and I really enjoyed watching Philip run through their house and yard where I have so many memories from my own childhood. Of course, everyone loved holding and cuddling Braewyn and miraculously, Grandma, Grandpa and Liz never heard her much during the night! She decided to give Matthew and I a run for our money in the parenting department during the visit but thankfully Philip didn't seem to mind too much (the four of us were sleeping in one room!).

That brings me to our latest news... Braewyn has officially moved into Philip's room. It's now "the kids' room"! Earlier this evening as I was getting them ready for bed both were screaming at the top of their lungs due to exhaustion (Philip never took at nap today and yes, we were in the car for 6 hours!). Currently all is quiet on the home front but we'll see what the remainder of the night holds.

Also, Braewyn was dedicated last Sunday at church. (I will add pics later. Wanted to include one of her and this one I took recently is just too cute.) It was a sweet time for our family and I'll post a separate blog about that. I feel so blessed to have my wonderful husband and two sweet children. I do cherish this stage in Braewyn's life and know it will go so fast. She can't talk back and is not yet blatantly disobeying, but yet I still enjoy the toddler stage moreso and look forward to that time in her life. Yes, Philip knows very well what happens when he doesn't listen to Mommy and Daddy ("Get a pop!") but nothing is better than interacting with him and watching him run and play!


Casey Wallace said...

Welcome back! Oh, and I got the birth announcement today, thanks! Such cuties! Abby Kate loves to stare at it and point and say, "ooo-uh?" I think she's saying, "who's that, Mommy?" So I tell her about her cousins, and that hopefully she'll get to meet them soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back!