Friday, June 12, 2009

VBS Prep Work

Our church is having Vacation Bible School next week. I'm really excited to be teaching the rising 5th grade boys and girls. However it seems that I didn't begin preparing early enough as Philip, Braewyn and I spent the last two hours hunting down a few last items. On our list was a boomerang, cotton balls, sandpaper, construction paper, bottled water, laundry bags with drawstrings and Chenille Craft Stems (a.k.a. pipe cleaners; guess the Lifeway company who prints our VBS material is steering away from tobacco product paraphenalia!). After scouring Big Lots, Maxway and Dollar General, I found cottonballs, construction paper and bottled water. Those stores sell everything under the sun EXCEPT what you are looking for. I headed there first as the prices are dirt cheap and they do carry the most random items. However the aisles are so narrow and the abundance of things make it a nightmare to find one simple item, such as a boomerang. I'm starting to wonder if boomerangs are sold in this town. Would that be considered a sporting good item, or maybe a self-defense tool? Anyhow, the hunt was made all that more eventful with needing to keep track of Philip and Braewyn who can be lost in three seconds flat in those type stores. Braewyn is a wonderful, caring child but her strong temper will definitely keep me on my discipling toes. She had a full breakdown in Big Lots when I put her in the cart. Philip never cried but repeatedly kept trying to make me think I had forgetten the objective of our trip. In his mind, it was to buy him a toy. I enjoy spending time with my little ones and watching them grow. However, next year I'll make plans to do my VBS item shopping in the evening while Matthew plays with Philip and Braewyn at home.


Katie Turner said...

Bless your heart! I know how many trips I made to Walmart, Big Lots, Dollar General, etc during last week's prep and I can only imagine doing it AND keeping track of two (beautiful) children! :) I admire your energy! Your room looks great and I know you're going to have a great week this week!

We had 8 girls last night!! YAY!

Woody said...

I feel this is me too! 2 kids are hard to shop with...and I'm running late getting ready for VBS too!