Saturday, June 19, 2010

Natural Birth 101

It's not everyday someone happily welcomes you into their birthing room and lets you experience the miracle of new life up close and personal. Last month, Philip and I were treated to just such an experience. Well ok, the mother wasn't human but a cat and no, I wouldn't let Philip watch a human birth just yet.

Our neighbors' cat, Ruby, began hanging around our yard early in May while the parents were at work and the kids were in school. She was clearly pregnant but let us pet her whenever we wanted. Philip and Braewyn became quite comfortable with her after first thinking she was scary and "has claws" as Braewyn would say. Philip called her our "daytime pet".

On May 18, we had attended MOPS and upon returning home, Ruby ran into our open garage and jumped into a box in the back of it. I scooped her up and shoo-ed her outside. A little while later, Philip and I were testing our hypothesis (yes, we watch "Dinosaur Train") as to if she would like milk or water on our front porch. After drinking some milk, Ruby stood by the front door and when I saw it happen, I knew that her water had broken! What to do?! I actually called our vet and asked what to do for a cat who was having her kittens on our front porch. I was told to provide her a box or other safe place and not do anything unless she looked in distress. What would a cat having kittens look like if in distress?

Anyhow, Philip and I (well he wandered off now and then) watched four kittens come into the world and their mom clean up all the mess. Yes, all the mess. I'll spare you the details. I can't think about it too long as it makes me queasy. The kittens were tiny and high-pitched. Matthew and our neighbors came home and we announced the happy news that Ruby was the mother of four. We went inside to eat dinner and after finishing, I checked Ruby to find SIX kittens. Wow, good work, Ruby! They are all growing up nicely in our neighbor's front porch area now and I'm still pondering if we should take one as I was their mom's midwife and all.

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