Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hot Summer Day

Tomorrow we're going to the library, the weekend follows, and on Monday we begin Philip's Kindergarten year and Braewyn's (very loose) 3-year-old Preschool year. With that in mind, I woke up this morning and asked the kids if they wanted to go to the park this morning before it got hot. The answer was yes but unfortunately it still felt like 90 degrees went we got there at 8:45am. We stayed for an hour, played Star Wars (cast: Philip - Luke, Braewyn - Leia, me - Yoda), drank water, swang on the swings, tossed some bread to the geese, drank water, tried to avoid the geese gang fight (white geese and Canadian geese hissing at each other trying to get to our bread), walked on the rocks and in the water, and drank water.

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