Thursday, January 18, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

I obviously love watching Philip explore this world as he still is learning so much each day. It makes me laugh when he so clearly shows signs of being his daddy's boy. This morning, he kept himself busy for a while just playing with some VCR cables. He also really likes our remote controls and cell phones. He definitely has some technical abilities in the works.

Another thing Matthew and Philip share is their love of sleeping. Neither likes to go to bed that much, but once they're asleep, you better not wake them!

Napping the afternoon away. He's my sweet angel and getting so big. I know he'll look even that much bigger when the baby is born. Your sister is going to love you so much, Philip!

Most importantly, I treasure the Godly-influence Matthew is in Philip's life. Matthew is a dependable Sunday School teacher to our 11th grade boys and a church Deacon. His walk with Jesus is evident and I thank the Lord that we are raising our son in a Christian home. Philip must be understanding some of it as he knows all his Little People want to see the Baby Jesus. If only our world was filled with people that desperate to get to the Savior!

1 comment:

Len and Carrie said...

Isn't it funny how your kids take on some of your traits without even knowing?
I have this habit when I am sleepy, I rub my foot back and forth on something. I don't even realize that I am doing it. Just the other night caroline was laying on me and she started rubbing her foot on the couch. Len was like....look at her! Ofcourse we were amazed by this! lol.

On a different note, did Philip have a good birthday??
