Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Planes and Tractors, O Wow!

When he gets excited, Philip's new phrase is "oh, wow!" (I think he did get it from Hannah.) Well, he had plenty to say "oh, wow" about in Kentucky. Another bonus of Uncle Dennis being a contractor in Kentucky where each house is surrounded by several acres is that he owns cool tractors and other such vehicles. Here is a sampling of the ones Philip tried out.

Michael J., are you jealous? :)

Windy even let Philip take a spin on her new Dora 4-wheeler.

A BIG thank you again to the Pollard family for being so loving as always! We miss you guys and hope to see you again soon.

The highlight of Matthew's week came when his cousin Brian offered to take him for a flight in a private, 4-seat plane. Brian is a pilot by profession and even teaches others to fly so I wasn't worried. They called us from the airport to watch outside as they would fly over the house!

I wasn't nervous about Brian's ability, but was glad I didn't go along after Matthew came back and told us how it was. Brian let Matthew take the controls for part of the flight and even showed Matthew how you could stall the plane, let it begin to nose-drive but then recover and straighten out! Glad you had fun, sweetie!


Lori said...

I so wish we could have been there with everyone. It looks like you had so much fun!!! The house is beautiful. I can't wait to see it.

Casey Wallace said...

I'm happy Matthew got a chance to go up with Brian. I won't let him do a stall with me. Too scared! I'm sure at some point he'll do one anyway, though, since my "no" often means "yes" to him. Reminds me of when I told him NOT to let go of the seat of my first bike with no training wheels. But now I have him to thank for teaching me to ride.