Today Philip began swimming lessons. He's on the far right and his best buddy Nic is on the far left. He is taking lessons at the same location and from the same teacher he did last summer. He seemed to have a great time even though he said he didn't remember when we asked him how it went. I hope I won't be hearing that answer for years to come.
Also both kids have new looks these days. On Saturday I took Philip for a hair cut. When Darlene, our hairdresser, asked if I just wanted her to trim it up like always, I first said yes. Then I said how everyone told me summer was the time to try a buzz if Philip wanted one. She said she could do it but would leave it a little longer so as not to have him looking scalped. It's a cute look for him, but I'm wondering how a buzz grows out to his original hairstyle if we want that again.

Braewyn is occasionally letting me put her hair up in pigtails. She would rather just run around with wild hair, but it adds to her cuteness when I do get a rubber band up in those locks. Here she is after dinner tonight, but before our walk.

Here she is after our walk and after hitting the pavement hard just 50 feet from our front yard. Thankfully it was just as we were returning home from a 2 mile walk and not as we were starting out.

Oh, no! Poor Braewyn! Hope you are finding some time to rest in all the busyness.
Ouch . . . that last picture hurts!!!
Love everyone's new hairdos! Have fun swimming Philip.
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