Thursday, January 25, 2007

Our Weekend in Wilson

This past weekend, Matthew, Philip, Ruth Ann and I drove up to Wilson, NC on Friday evening. Matthew's brother Jonathan, his wife Lori and daughter Hannah arrived in Wilson on Thursday evening and spent the night with a church member. The moving truck arrived at their apartment (really it is more like a cute neighborhood of really nice duplexs; I wish I had taken a picture!) on Friday morning so by the time we arrived, everything was inside, boxes everywhere, but the beds had been put together. We all stayed up until about 1:30am (including Philip and Hannah who were very happy to be together again) unpacking boxes, moving furniture around, and feeling like we were getting a lot of nothing done.

Saturday morning, we drove to their pastor's house for his daughter's 2-year birthday party. It was fun getting to know some of the church members and see that Hannah will not be at a loss for friends (probably 10-12 kids there). It was weird just meeting these people and happily enjoying some Boz birthday cake with them. They really are such a loving, godly group of people. I know it won't take Jonathan and Lori long to feel at home in Wilson (at least that's our prayer).

Saturday afternoon was spent unpacking more boxes and moving more furniture. At least, things were beginning to look like they had their own spots. That evening the kids took a bubble bath together and went to bed at a relatively decent hour. The adults kept at it until we crashed at 12:30am.

Sunday was nice as we attended their new church, Christ Baptist Church, which as a newer plant church meets in a local elementary school. Both Sunday School and worship were very Spirit-filled. If I lived in the area, it's definitely where I would attend. Hannah and Philip enjoyed climbing on the risers while the church members set the room up to look like a school auditorium after service.

Philip introduced Hannah to Boz on DVD while we finished packing the car.

Leaving at 4:30pm wasn't as hard a goodbye as it was back at Thanksgiving. Now we're only 4 1/2 hours away and know we'll be back to visit in 6-8 weeks after Lori's baby is born.

As he never took an afternoon nap, Philip was asleep in the car less than 5 minutes after leaving and slept for 2 hours! Matthew drove us safely home through a torrential downpour with a stop at McDonald's for dinner to go.


Lori said...

Sweet pictures!!! I need a copy of the bubble bath picture. I only video taped it. Thank you all (again) for taking time to come help us. It made the transition easier having family here. We enjoyed your company and appreciated your help!

Happy 2 years Philip!!!

pastor justin said...

Kim, it was good to meet you guys and have you attend Christ Baptist. I'll look forward to your visits over the next couple of years.