Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Big Girl

As tough as those first few years of life can be, I think most moms don't want to see their babies grow up.  A 7-year-old is still in the younger child range but when you've never had a 7-year-old daughter, she seems so grown up.  Braewyn celebrated her birthday on May 2.  She decided against a party and chose an outing instead (that's the choice: many friends for a party at our house or a friend or two for a day on the town).  Braewyn did celebrated her actual birthday with our standard family dinner and cake.  We were all so impressed with her cake which she decorated herself (just a little help with the icing from my mom).

The following day (Saturday), Braewyn's birthday outting consisted of playing at the park with her BFF Anna, pedicures with Anna and another friend Laney, and then seeing "God's Not Dead" with Anna, Philip, Grandma Ruth Ann, and me.  (Matthew and I had seen it a few weeks before with our adult Sunday School class.)

Love, love, love my Braewyn.  She brings joy and challenge to our lives like no one else can.  You are a very special gift from the Lord, Braewyn!!

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ours grows with much tender loving care.  Or at least was planted that way!  Now we are praying for God to grow those vegetables and for me to have the desire to harvest, prepare and feed my family from its abundance.

And for a job well done, Fun Dip!!


Lately, we've been filling our free time with fun family activities.  The fair came to town a few weeks ago.  Our kids have come to recognize the signs so it becomes a must do event.  (And I personally love the fair so I'm good with that!)  Anyway, not much back story. Here are the photos!

Ok for this one I have to say, it was a test of my courage.  Only got on this hang glider because I had the hand stamp which allowed me to ride everything.  Turned out to be my favorite!