Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh, what a week!

Hard to believe that one week ago right now I was laying in a delivery bed praying that my epidural would work as I awaited the time to push and welcome my newest child into the world. Matthew, Juliet and I stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon due to my being Group B Strep positive. However, I thoroughly enjoy the hospital stay with its room service and visits from family and friends. Once we arrived home, reality set it and my hormones raged. I swung between feeling confident and completely blessed to overwhelmed and completely incapable. Philip and Braewyn have loved getting to see Juliet on a daily basis but have had moments of insecurity caused by the changes. Juliet has also caused me several moments of mommy anxiety.

Tuesday I thought I might have to give up breastfeeding and resort to pumping and giving her bottles. She began to scream and turn beet red every time I brought her to my breast. I realized the next few days it was probably due to my using hand sanitizer right before feeding her and accidentally getting some in her mouth. That stuff is nasty as I licked my finger to see what she was experiencing. Last night, she became even sleepier than she had been and upon taking her temperature, Matthew and I realized it was because she was so cold -- 95.4 degrees F! I immediately called our hospital's 24-hour nurse line. A wonderfully kind male nurse reassured me that my concern was valid. He told me to bundle her up with blankets straight out of the dryer and take her temp again in an hour. We praised God when the temp came back as 97.9 F. She ate much better after than. I fed her (she is now again breastfeeding with little objection) at 11:30pm and then climbed into bed at 12:30am. I woke up at 4:00am to see her sleeping peacefully. I awoke her and she ate very well again. We both went back to sleep and I woke up with Matthew at 6:30am! A very good night for week one.

Here's the week in photos.

Meeting her grandparents.

Hanging out in the hospital.

All ready to go home!

Finally at home.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How We're All Doing

Matthew -- Daddy is loving his new little girl. Although he had wanted another boy, I've told him how much I love seeing Braewyn hug his neck and how I can't wait to see Juliet do the same thing. He is taking Monday thru Wednesday off work to spend time together. Matthew and Philip assembled Juliet's new crib in Braewyn's room (now the girls' room!) yesterday morning and it looks great. Not the most of exotic locations to take a week's vacation (hospital and home), but Matthew enjoys days out of work to spend with us any time a good reason comes around. I'd say adding a family member is a good reason!

Kim -- I'm doing pretty well. I greatly enjoy those days in the hospital after giving birth as nothing beats breakfast, lunch and dinner brought to me in bed on a tray! Juliet is such a sweet, peaceful baby that the transition to newborn land has actually been very easy. It really has all come back to me fairly quickly. The breastfeeding is still slightly challenging as I'm either working hard at waking Juliet up from her almost constant semi-coma or I'm working at getting her to latch on as she arches her back away from me and suckles on her hands which are always in the way. We're getting there and at least she's not screaming in hunger as Philip did the first few days.

Philip -- I really haven't worried about how Philip would react and he's proven me right. He's in love with his baby sister and does pretty well at being gentle with her. That being said his favorite part of this week is having Daddy home. He is becoming quite the little man and thrives on time with Matthew. The only time he has shown to be upset was when I was feeding Juliet and Matthew was getting Braewyn settled down for a nap. Philip said, "Daddy just got home from the hospital and he can't even play with me now." I told him that it was ok to be mad (something I picked up when I took Braewyn to Sibling Class), but that now there were three kids and two parents so sometimes he would have to wait his turn. All in all, he's doing great.

Braewyn -- It seems Braewyn took the adjustment the hardest due to her disruppted schedule and getting hit with a stomach bug this weekend. When my parents brought her and Philip to the hospital on Friday, Braewyn acted shy toward all of us. After a while she warmed up and was all smiles holding her new little sister. Unfortunately she threw up at my parents' house Saturday morning so we didn't see her again until Sunday evening when they brought her back to our house after we had returned home. She had thrown up again Sunday morning and had had diarrhea three times that day. Her poor bottom was burning she would say and just wanted us to hold her. Being sick, we had to be extra cautious around her with touching Juliet and telling her often to use hand santizer. A couple of times, my sweet middle child would whisper under her breath, "Nobody loves me." It broke my heart to think that she saw herself as lost among the way things now were. After she started feeling better physically last night, I can see her emotionally getting stronger too. I have let her hold Juliet when she asks and she beams, saying "I love my little sister!" Braewyn gives the baby back after 30 seconds.

Juliet -- This new little one is coming out of her shell a little more every day. The post-birth coma is wearing off and the personality God created her with is becoming more evident. As I said before, she fights settling in to nurse but then is quite content once latching on. Last night we began that rough time of "how many times will Mommy have to put my pacifier back in my mouth". I wasn't sure if she would take a paci at first as she was so sleepy in the hospital and didn't even open her mouth. Then she seemed to be restless after nursing and would settle down once getting the paci. Last night I nursed her at midnight, and proceeded to get up every few minutes for the next hour popping that paci back in after she had popped it out. The joy of not knowing how to use your own hands! That said, we are all in love with our little Juliet.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our New Little Angel

Awestruck. Grateful. Amazed. Thankful. I am experiencing all these emotions and more as I look at the sweet face of our newest miracle from God. Matthew and I welcomed Juliet Hope into our family on Thursday night. She is a beautiful, sweet, precious baby and so far seems to have a calm, peaceful demeanor (I hope I won't regret saying that later).

On Thursday, I wasn't feeling like myself, actually wondered if I might be getting the flu. I went ahead and took the kids to BSF, returned home, ate lunch and then all three of us laid down for naps. At 2:15pm, I had a contraction (nothing to get too excited about as I've been having 5-6 contractions a day for the last two weeks). When more came at 3:00, 3:15 and 3:30, I called Matthew to say I thought I might call my OB's office so they could examine me to check if I had dilated. Thursday afternoons are also when Philip and Braewyn go for their tumbling and ballet classes respectively. We decided that I could let Braewyn play with our neighbor Anna before both girls went to ballet (Anna's mom Leigh would take them), I would take Philip as his class begins 30 minutes before Braewyn's, and then drive myself to the OB office. Leigh would bring the kids home from their activities.

When I called the OB, I was told it would be too close to 5:00pm to come in so I should go to the hospital instead. Driving myself to the hospital was a little nervewracking but I was just hoping and praying that this was the real deal even though that thought scared me a bit too.

Upon arriving in the Labor & Delivery area, the nurse declared me to be dilated to 4 cm but after giving this info to my doctor, she told me that he thought my contractions were not regular enough to admit me. She asked if I felt like walking and I said that yes, I'd do that before just leaving the hospital to go home. I began walking through the hospital but not wanting to get lost, I asked a nurse I was passing if there was a loop or track I could follow through the hospital. She led me to the employee workout room and said I could use the treadmill. That's a new twist -- working out just prior to giving birth!

With two kids already, the details of possibly having the third began to mount. My dad was now at the hospital looking for me to get my car key to get Philip's carseat out to take to Leigh's house to drive Philip and Braewyn back to my parents' house! I also would tell my dad to give our spare house key to Leigh so they could let Chloe out to potty later that night. A lot easier having the first child and no dog than all this.

Any way after getting back to L&D, the nurse said I was now at 5 cm and the doctor would admit me. Matthew arrived around 6:45pm after returning home to change clothes and let Chloe out. Around 7:30pm, my doctor said he wanted to break my water to help things progress. I asked how soon after that would I get an epidural. My nurse jumped in and told the doctor that we would like the epidural first and then he could break my water. Yeah, nurse! I was scared that breaking my water would progress things too quickly and I might miss the opportunity for the epidural.

The next few hours included getting the epidural, praying that it would work, having my water broken, feeling A LOT of pressure, reaching 8 cm, catching a short nap, feeling even more pressure and arriving fully dilated at 10:15pm. I began to push and felt great anxiety about if I could get through it or not. I kept thinking of Isaiah 41 which we studied in BSF last week. The Lord will strengthen me. He will uphold me with His righteous right hand. Be still and know that He is God. After 14 minutes of pushing (about 4 contractions), the doctor helped our beautiful third child enter the world. Matthew and I saw at the same moment that we had a little girl, Juliet Hope!

Overall, it was a routine and relatively quick delivery. I praise Jesus for no complications and a healthy 7 lbs, 3 oz little girl. We've enjoyed our hospital stay (room service!) and getting to know Juliet. She was such a sleepy girl at first that she actually didn't eat until Friday afternoon! Since then, we've worked hard at learning how to breastfeed (me remembering how it hurts those first several days and Juliet realizing that she has to open her mouth to eat!). Between her sleepy, calm nature and my higher level of confidence this time, I'm actually enjoying this little vacation away from home very much. We'll be discharged from the hospital in a few hours after spending the last three nights here. It will be nice to return home and settle in together as a family of five. I've also missed having Philip and Braewyn with me but they've enjoyed some great, quality grandparent time this weekend.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Very Thankful Valentine's Day

Today was a great day as I cherished my family. Matthew is a wonderful, loving husband whom I thank the Lord for daily. He's the kind of man who works hard all day but will still come home and help me with dinner. He's changed diapers when Philip and Braewyn were babies and I know he will with our third little one. He loves playing hide-and-seek with the kids (to the point that they come get me because "We can't find Daddy!"). He surprised me at Christmas time by saying he would like to buy us tickets to a marriage seminar because he knew I would want to go... Kirk Cameron was the speaker (it was last Saturday and we did have a good time)! He helps get the kids dressed for church and makes sure they go find their Bibles before we leave. And he is getting quite handy in his hobby of woodworking.

With Chloe confined to the first floor of our house, the bottom of the stairs became our dumping ground for everything that needed to be returned upstairs. Matthew and I were both annoyed by the pile of junk that accumulated there everyday. Putting our minds together (and a 50% off sale on baskets at Michael's), we designed and he built our awesome new organizing shelf. Bottom basket is for shoes, middle basket is for Philip's and Braewyn's things, and top basket is for Matthew's and my things. I love it. Great job, sweetie!

And of course, we are all so thankful for the new baby Jesus has blessed our family with and will be welcoming home soon (two weeks to my official due date but we're hoping sooner!).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yesterday's OB Appt.

Well I'm now going to see my OB practice every Friday until the baby arrives. After yesterday's appointment, I'm thinking of not making any more appointments and telling them I'll just call when we're headed to the hospital.

Ok, so I'm now 35 years old and was told that this age demands more thorough monitoring of the pregnancy. Three weeks ago, I went in knowing that I would have a non-stress test during which the baby's heartbeat and movements are monitored for 25 minutes. I told the nurse I had been having a few contractions each day and so I was interested to see if the monitor would pick up a contraction. It showed one (I could have told them that!), and since the baby didn't move that much, an ultrasound was suggested also. The ultrasound showed the baby is fine (good fluid levels around baby, good fine and large motor skills, good breathing repetitions, etc.). When I met with the doctor, she said since I wasn't having any blood sugar, protein level, blood pressure problems, there was no need for more non-stress tests. That sounded good to me!

Fast forward to last week... I arrived at my appointment and was told I would be monitored for 25 minutes again. This time I suppose the baby moved enough so they didn't need an ultrasound. I was examined to see if I've started dilating (nothing to report) and swabbed to check for Group B Strep. Ok, not that bad an appointment.

Now for yesterday... Matthew met the kids and I at the OB office. We bring them when we think it will be a short appointment so they can hear the baby's heartbeat. We followed the nurse back and she say's, "We're going to start with putting you on the monitor." Argh!! What is the purpose of this? I sat in the chair and let the nurse strap the monitors onto my belly. She couldn't get the heartbeat to register very loudly so she moved the monitor around for several minutes. I wasn't worried as the baby was actually pushing the monitor off from wherever the nurse placed it. A moving, wiggling baby obviously has a strong heart beat even if the monitor is not registering it. After trying this for 10 minutes, the nurse said, "Let's just check on the ultrasound. You can wait out in this area until the tech is ready for you." Another ultrasound? These are not free! Ok, back in the ultrasound room and everything is fine. I asked if she could measure the baby for a weight estimate since we were there. After computing everything, she said the baby weighed in at 6 lbs, 5 oz. I bit smaller than I had assumed by this point but still healthy and strong. We then traveled to an exam room where my doctor said I did test positive for Group B Strep. All that means is antibiotics before delivery and two nights in the hospital instead of one! Yeah, room service for 48 hours! Maybe I'm crazy but I really like the hospital food.

The kicker to yesterday's appointment was upon check-out. I went ahead and made an appointment for next Friday, but then the receptionist asked if I was going to be paying any toward my Global fee. My OB office handles the fee of pregnancy and delivery with a Global fee program: no co-pays during pregnancy but instead a lump sum which can be paid in increments during the pregnancy to offset the doctors' office visits and delivery fees for the OB staff. Matthew and I had paid the Global fee in full a few months ago. So why is she asking if I want to pay more toward Global? I was told that the ultrasounds they've said I've needed have been costing us money which they've been pulling from the Global account. So now we're paying out of pocket way more than the original Global fee amount when we have a very good insurance plan which would be paying 80% coverage for these things if they would just file them. Again, argh!!

To summarize, if I was pregnant this time last year at age 34, I wonder if they would be requesting these non-stress tests, ultrasounds, extra money, etc.? With the other two kids, I would arrive at the office, pee in a cup, and hear their heartbeats for about 5 seconds. If that sufficed then, why does 3 months past age 35 cause all this excessive fuss? I might just ask them that next Friday.

Monday, February 07, 2011

What They've Said

A few days ago I was telling Matthew about a magazine article I had read about giving children allowance starting at age 6. He said that Dave Ramsey encourages not giving allowance but instead assigning wages to certain chores. We were discussing this when Philip came in the room.

Matthew: Now that you're six, Philip, we could give you a way to earn money.

Philip: What? You're going to give me away to earn some money?

Matthew (and me): (Laughter!) No, we would never sell you!


Braewyn has been aware that many people are sick these days with the flu and such. I suppose she was feeling just a little run down this morning but she is not sick by any means. In her dramatic ways, she said, "I have coughs and bless you's." Adorable! The funny thing is that I hadn't heard her sneeze all day.