Even though I told myself I would not let December get busy, it pretty much steamrolled over me... all in a good way of course! I have much to blog about but am going to pace myself (i.e. check back daily as I'll add a little bit at a time -- easier on both you and me!).
I did want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to those of you I haven't been able to wish in person. I do hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends as we celebrated the most amazing gift the world has ever received, Jesus sent to earth as a helpless baby to display just how much God loves each and every one of us.
Well, let me say December and now January have held their own little miracles in my own life. I love serving a God who is concerned with the small details of our lives and I love bringing glory to Him when He presents blessings in even silly little ways. Back up with me to Monday, Dec. 17. Matthew and I had completed shopping for the kids two weeks prior (presents from us and what Santa would be bringing), but it seemed as soon as we finished shopping, Philip spent the morning with his friend Hayden and played with a "Batman car." Thus began the two weeks of anytime anyone asked Philip what Santa was bringing him, he would say, "a Batman car." Now back to Dec. 17. Matthew had told me that morning that maybe I should just go buy a Batman car as it seemed to be on the top of Philip's wish list. I didn't mind as it provided a night out ALONE for me to enjoy the Christmas spirit among the crazy shoppers (call me crazy, I love it!). Off I went.
I had to blog about this to keep for my own memories as I was suddenly one of those obsessed parents not returning home without THE present. My problem was that THE present I was after was not the hot item of the year. It was the pretty much invisible item of the year. I started in Kohl's as I was buying Ruth Ann a gift certificate there. No car. Next Toys R Us... a sure bet I thought. No car. Yes, aisles specifically dedicated to Spiderman and Transformers but no one looking for Batman! Next Target. No car. I called Matthew and said I was now heading to Walmart. As I walked through the Walmart parking lot, I whispered a prayer to God. "Lord, if Philip is meant to have a Batman car, please let it be here." This would be my last stop on the hunt. After being frustrated a bit as I was again seeing everything else it seemed, I walked down the preschool toy aisle and there before me... "My First Batmobile"! Thank you Lord! It might seem silly that I really prayed for a toy to be in Walmart, but it was yet again a chance for God to show His ability to bless if we would just ask (Matthew 7:7).
Now skipping ahead a few weeks (I'll post about our Christmas morning and trip to Kentucky soon but you can get a sneak peek by linking to
Lori's or
Casey's blogs), we returned home from the above mentioned trip to Kentucky on Friday, Dec. 28. Saturday was spent napping and washing clothes (me: napping, Matthew: washing clothes -- wonderful husband!). Sunday morning came and as we left for church I realized I had NO IDEA where my keys were. The two days before leaving for Kentucky were as blur as packing for a trip exponentially heightens my ADD and OCD (both relatively tame normally). And during our stay in KY, I had no need for keys. Here I was now with over a week since seeing my keys.
Well, Monday was spent cleaning house (thankfully with Mom's help as I was at a loss as to where to start -- toys and Christmas decorations covering an already dirty house!) and still no sign of the keys. Tuesday morning (January 1st!), I began the day reading my Bible and spending time alone with God (a perfect way to start the year). The keys were still heavy on my mind (I hate that feeling of losing something!). After these three days of knowing my keys were lost, I finally took the time to really pray about it. I said, "Lord, You know where my keys are. If You want me to find them, please show me where they are." Immediately, I heard in my mind, "The black bag." We had used a black, duffel bag for the first night of our trip (a stop at a hotel), but Matthew had unpacked it on Saturday and it was now back in the bottom of our closet. It would have been the last place I would probably look. Knowing God's faithful, I went right to that bag unzipped the side pouch (the one place Matthew would not have unpacked as it was never used), and there were my keys!! God is good!
If you are still reading, I hope you know God really does work miracles, some small like these and some very, very big. All it takes for you to see them is getting to know Jesus personally so you too can recognize His voice and realize that He did it and it wasn't just coincidence!