Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Jitterbug Braewyn

Tomorrow night Braewyn begins Ballet and Tap lessons and Philip begins Tumbling lessons. I have thought Braewyn would enjoy dance for a while as she's been dancing around the house for months. We weren't sure which activity Philip would choose this fall but once we toured the dance facility and he saw the tumbling room, he was sold! A place to roll and jump around and maybe even learn how to do flips! The best part is that their lessons are on the same night at the same time! Easy for me! Well, this past Saturday the four of us plus Braewyn's BFF (best friend forever) and next-door neighbor Anna attended our local minor league baseball game. This gives you an idea of how much Braewyn likes to dance... albeit it's not ballet but hopefully she'll learn to pirouette just as well as she can boogie!

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