Saturday, January 07, 2012

Goodbye 2011!

So far 2012 is going very well. Matthew, Philip and I welcomed the New Year by watching the ball drop on TV. Braewyn almost made it but fell asleep at 11:45pm! We enjoyed New Year's Day with our church family at church that morning, lunch with our next door neighbors, and then a leisurely family afternoon. The Brooks Academy began our Spring Semester bright and early on Monday, January 2nd. The kids and I are reading through the Bible via summary overviews which I read from My Father's World teacher's manual, Philip reads a similiar passage from his Bible Reader, and then he writes a summary sentence with an illustration in his Bible Notebook. Philip is almost done with the 1st grade level of Math U See and still excels despite saying he dislikes math! Reading / phonics are also in our My Father's World curriculum, and he is also signed up for the Pizza Hut "Book It!" program. If he reads 20 books each month, he earns a free personal pizza!

Science is new this semester as I just changed to a curriculum published by Answers in Genesis. We'll be studying "The World of Animals" as we learn of the many different types of animals which God created: "the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind” (Genesis 1:24). Philip and Braewyn continue doing a few pages of their Building Thinking Skills workbooks and we're going to begin basic Spanish (we're talking picture flashcards!). All that with field trips and play dates should make for an educational and fun spring! I thank the Lord that Juliet is a wonderful napper still as she's asleep most days from 10am until noon. How things go once she no longer naps is a question mark. Cross that bridge when we get there!

Anyhow, before I get totally caught up in 2012, wanted to post some wonderful Christmas pics my friend Suzanne took of the kids. I used a few to make my photo books and calendars for family presents. Here are a lot more great ones and funny outtakes too!

Juliet and her friend Pate, who is Suzanne's son. They are buddies from baby Sunday School.

The kids with my friend and neighbor Greta. She came over to watch Pate while Suzanne photographed. She loves these four kids bunches and we love her! And here's where it goes crazy...

The bench photoshoot was unraveling,

Philip's doing his thing,

Juliet began grabbing the scenery at Greta's house,

and Philip says, "Are we done YET??" Yes, thank you sweeties! And a BIG thank you to Suzanne for taking such great photos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kim for your kind words and allowing me to share time with you and your family.