Monday, July 23, 2012

Who's That Kid?!

 Can you believe the change a simple haircut makes?  Look at Braewyn in my header picture with her beautiful flowing hair and now here with her new short do!  The day of her haircut I kept thinking she was someone other than my precious Braewyn.  Honestly though, she's been asking for a haircut for a while but Daddy loved it long!  She and I finally convinced him that her "get ready time" would be cut in half if we cut the hair.  He really likes being on time so that helped with the decision.  Also, it seems to have liberated her, just the chance the get the hairstyle she's wanted.  She seems more helpful and easy going.  A huge blessing to my heart!!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

oh my goodness!! She looks SO grown up!! I love it on her!! Its perfect! Jaina had a similar haircut when she was 5.