Sunday, December 20, 2015

Merry Christmas, Grandpa!

Many of you know that my Mom has grieved so deeply over the last six months because in one disasterous week, she said goodbye to her husband, my Dad, and her dad, my Grandpa.  I was devastated to lose my Dad.  It was sudden (just a normal day at work), horrific (a two-week experience of visiting the ICU daily), and heartbreaking (knowing my children would never again play with their Papa).  Losing my Grandpa was a very different experience as he had been suffering from multiple health issues for several years.  We also had not been to visit in over a year.  I told my Grandma when Sully was born that we hoped to visit in the fall.  Little did I know then that the visit would not include seeing Grandpa.

I loved my Grandpa and have such fantastic memories of him from my childhood and adulthood. Visiting him and playing in the back yard; taking my children to visit and watching them play in the backyard.  Listening to him tell them jokes or riddles and remembering when he told my brother and I the same sort of jokes.  I haven't grieved for my Grandpa as my heart was troubled with knowing how to support my Mom.  At other times, I let the grief over losing my own Dad come to the surface of my heart instead of keeping it pushed down in the places where it feels safe and untouchable.

However, now with this being the week of Christmas, I do want to think about my Grandpa and let the grief come as he deserves that.  These pictures will bring him back to me for a few minutes.

Grandpa and Grandma meeting Philip, their first great-grandchild.

Grandpa was a proud Marine who fought in the Korean War.

Grandpa, we'll come see you again one day!

Grandpa meeting Braewyn.

Grandpa is the father of 5 girls.  He loves baby girls.

I'm so thankful my babies received so much love during our visit.

Back to visit again and this time with Juliet too!  And this time Grandpa was bearded!

Finally, Grandpa met Rylan when he was a few months old.  

I'll need to print this photo for Rylan to keep when he is older.  

My mom was very blessed to have such a loving, godly father.  I was very blessed to have a fun-loving, caring grandfather.  My children are very blessed to have a great-grandfather who left them a legacy of loving God, loving his family and loving his country!  I am sad that Grandpa didn't get to meet Sully.  I hope they will meet one day.  My Grandpa is now in Heaven as he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  I pray that Sully will make the decision to trust Jesus for himself and then will be able to meet Grandpa.  

Grandpa, I love you and look forward to seeing you again.  I know you will have the best Christmas ever. We miss you, but I'm happy for you now to see the face of God, spend time again with your mother and father, and to be visiting with your son-in-law, my Dad!  See you soon!

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