Thursday, August 07, 2008

My big little man

Today Philip had his first dental check-up!! He had gone with me and Matthew for our last two check-ups so was fairly familiar with the surroundings. However, I did not believe how extremely well he did. Philip was such a brave little guy, but I suppose to him, Miss Stephanie, the hygenist, really wasn't doing anything more to him than we do every night before bed. Well, actually we don't stick a mirror in his mouth to look around, nor a vibrating, round toothbrush with cherry toothpaste, nor a water sprayer to rinse his mouth, nor "Mr. Thirsty" to suck left-over toothpaste and water out! Stephanie said she has a son two days younger than Philip and it was obvious as she spoke to him just like I do (explaining everything in funny ways). I was trying hard not to tear up as I watched my little guy hardly blinking (i.e. he was in a tv coma watching Sesame Street on the flatscreen tv hanging from the ceiling!). This was definitely a milestone and he soared right over it. I know there will be days when he feels insecure and clings to me, but today I felt so proud and was just praising God for giving Matthew and I the wisdom to raise such a great little kid!

Looking quite excited to be at the dentist!

Miss Stephanie cleaning Philip's teeth.

All done and just waiting for Dr. Ray to come check his pearly whites.

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