Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back from Maine and House Showings

These last few weeks have been busy with keeping the house tidy as every time I leave the house I want it to be "show ready". It could take four months or just four weeks to sell our house, but I'm viewing this time as a season to be found faithful before the Lord in trusting His timing. The first week we were on the market I began to get a little frustrated that no one was calling to see it (now realizing that I was being overly ambitious and that this process is more often a slow one). Now that wait is over in that we had a showing last week. A woman looked at it and the realtor's comments afterwards were "Home shows great!" but that the woman worked some distrance from here and was looking for more square footage. It at least broke the ice from my thinking that "No one is ever coming to look at our house!" Now it's just six days later and we need to be gone from our house from 10am until noon as someone else is coming to see it today! Philip was invited to a birthday party at that exact time. God has good timing.

Secondly, we got packed and flew to Maine last Thursday, April 16, spent five wonderful days visiting family and sightseeing in a very beautiful corner of God's world and then flew back on Tuesday, April 21. I'll post all about it including photos and videos this week. The kids had a ball as Philip loved climbing on the big rocks which make up the Maine coastline and Braewyn loved having her Papa around and walking miles and miles on those little legs. Matthew, the kids, my Dad, and I very much enjoyed the trip.


Lori said...

Glad you are home safely. Can't wait to see pics.

Hooray for people viewing the house!!!

*Jess* said...

woo hoo!

Katie Turner said...

Congratulations on having your house shown! I've been horribly slack with the internet browsing so I've not been visiting other blogs as often as I like to -- but I'm catching up now! I hope you have good success in selling your home.