Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Daddy's name is...

I was talking with Braewyn about some friends of ours. She asked what the kids' mom and dad's names were. I told her and then asked Braewyn the following.

Mommy: What is Braewyn's Daddy's name?

Braewyn: Daddy Faith Brooks

Mommy: What is Braewyn's Mommy's name?

Braewyn: Mommy Faith Brooks

Mommy: What is Braewyn's Bubba's name?

Braewyn: Philip Faith Brooks

In case you didn't know, her middle name is Faith!


Lori said...

That is so funny!!! It must be an age thing, because Madeline would do the same thing a few months ago--but for some reason she fixated on "Anne" (Karis's middle name). She would say, "Mommy A-n-n-e" when she was exasperated with me-- or Daddy Anne, etc.

So cute!!!

Jackson World said...

So Funny and thanks for keeping our son!!!!

Jackson World said...
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*Jess* said...

LOL! So cute!!!

also, I left you a blog award on my blog!