Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Big Little Guy

Philip has now been five for a whole month. It seems we've really entered into the next level of childhood. For his birthday, he received money from my grandparents and his aunts and uncles. We headed out to Target in search of some legos. He spotted the Star Wars sets and we thought, "Too many pieces!" After a few minutes of deliberation, we said ok to him purchasing the Tie Fighter set and decided he could put it together with Matthew the next night when he got home from work. Well, it was too much of a temptation and Philip put the whole thing together HIMSELF while Matthew was at work! Wow, notice the age suggestion on the box. We might have a future engineer or architect on our hands.

After asking Philip what kind of cake he wanted, here's my best attempt at a Lego cake! Not the prettiest but he thought it was great. Note to self: never ice a dark chocolate cake with light-colored icing.


Lori said...

Good job Philip! Glad you are enjoying being five.

Anonymous said...

Real legos are both wonderful and not so wonderful. They keep Drew busy for hours building but they also keep me busy for a good while cleaning!

You are welcome at my house any time! I'd love to visit!

Tracy Perry said...

What a creative cake! You did an awesome job!