Saturday, June 19, 2010

Checking Things Off

Sometimes "To Do" lists can be burdensome but when you start checking things off, it provides a great sense of accomplishment. There's still a battle waging between me and household chores (laundry and dishes) while I'm finding more pleasure in those extra projects (hanging shelves, pictures and curtains). My ultimate goal is to finish these extra projects in the next three weeks and then use the rest of July to map out Philip's Kindergarten school work before we begin in mid August. So far so good, but Philip has swimming lessons the next two weeks and then comes 4th of July! Here are the updates I've made around the house. Check!

Added framed photos from our Disney trip to the wall at the bottom of the stairs. We enjoy them daily on the way downstairs and others can see them on their way out.

Curtain rod: mine from teenage days
Curtains: from bathroom window of old house
Hem tape to create layers: $1:50
Joy of "making" my own curtains: yeah for me!

We had the large shelf at our old house. The small one I found at a consignment store for $4. These make me proud as I used a level, electric drill, anchors and screws to install!

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