As far as adjusting to being a mom of three, I feel like I'm moving one step forward two steps back. Each morning I wake up feeling ready for the day but sometime during that day I begin feeling quite beat down. I'm partly to blame as I'm not getting enough rest (somewhat hard to do with three kids at home all day) and not eating meals in a timely manner (pushing lunch back to finish school or nurse Juliet when I'm starving).
That being said, I am now completely in love with my newest little daughter. It just takes me a while to emotionally bond with my children. I don't see it as a fault but just the part of my personality which cringes at big changes. A good friend gave me great advice before having Braewyn. She said that even though I'm already a mom and know how to be a mom, a new baby is a brand new person and I should give myself time to get to know her. Great advice and it helped me adjust to have Juliet around too.
Juliet and I are getting over thrush (I pray!). It's kind of like when you are on antibiotics and the bottle says, "Take complete dosage even if symptoms disappear before doing so." I know I need to keep up the routine for another week, but I'm not feeling as compelled to do so as when Juliet was having trouble nursing. She still has some whiteness on her tongue but nursing is going so much better. She no longer fusses and even eats great at night (yeah, no longer pumping at night!). She is really coming around as far as not being so severely sleepy all day. Juliet has reached that normal infant state of crying at night to eat and then crying once I put her back to bed afterward. Still trying to decide if she really likes pacifiers and if I want to get her to like them or not. Matthew and I are definitely feeling the effects of sleep deprivation. I'm feeling pretty good physically however I'm struggling with avoiding dairy and sweets. I'm rationalizing how much I can get away with and still combat the thrush.
Philip and Braewyn seemed fairly well adjusted to having Juliet around. They are getting more comfortable with her which means I have to watch them closer. Braewyn really would like to carry Juliet around but we've restricted her to holding the baby while sitting down. Philip likes to place blankets over Juliet's face and watch her squirm around underneath. He really does love her but just has a funny of showing it.
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