Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Big Boy Bed

I mentioned in an earlier post that Philip has now moved into a twin bed with a side rail. He's doing great at night. We never hear a peep from him between the time we put him to bed until 7:00am. However naptime has been another story. The first week, he did fine. I'd say it's naptime, give him a few books and close the door only to hear him talking to his animals a few hours later. This week, he's taken on some kind of new level of independence. I'll say it's naptime, put him in bed with some books and close the door. Fifteen minutes later I'll hear him playing the electronic keyboard that was in his room (it's no longer in there during naptime!). I go in and say, "Get back in bed. If I see you out of bed again, you get a pop." What do you know, fifteen minutes later he's dancing around on the floor and singing. It makes me so mad that when I come in, he just keeps on going. Matthew enters and the boy makes a mad dash to get back in bed. I've got to get more militant with my discipling! I know this is a learning process on both our parts (Philip's on minding us and mine on being more consistent).

On the lighter side, it has made for some cute photos. He even has new "big boy" bedding (yes, he picked out the pattern himself; we held up the balls and another with trucks and Philip wanted the sports balls).

This is a photo I took right before I went to bed. Doesn't he look comfortable?

This is how we found him last Sunday during his afternoon nap!

Philip getting ready to nap on his new bedset. We're planning on moving his bed to the other side of the room so the baby's crib can go below my Mom's paintings.


Anonymous said...

Just keep being consistent and you'll get through it! I finally got the point with Drew where I camped out with a book just outside his door so I could be there the minute he got out of his bed. I did that for a day or two and that seemed to get the message across. We would still have days where he got out, but for the most part he stayed in his bed.

Your tree looks great!

Lori said...

Philip looks so cute sleeping in his "big boy bed." It makes him look so tiny . . . I keep thinking how small Hannah will look in her double bed. haha. My favorite picture is the one with his bottom and legs sticking out of the covers--so cute!!!