Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Thought

This Easter season has been so special as we have a preschooler in the house who is really beginning to grasp the true meaning of Jesus's death and resurrection. No, I don't mean he's ready to write a thesis on it or anything, but the simple gospel truth is taking root in the rich soil of his tender heart. I feel blessed to attend a church with a wonderful children's program. Over the last few weeks of Sunday School and Mission Friends (his 3-year-old program on Wednesday nights), Philip has made palm leaves, a popsicle-stick church, an Easter flower from a yellow-painted hand, and brought home his Sunday School lesson sheets which we review with him.

It warms my heart to ask my little one, "Philip, how do you get to heaven?" and hear him say, "Jesus."

In keeping with the innocence of where he is spiritually, God gave me a realization which is so simple yet something I had never acknowledged or heard anyone reference. Jesus rode to his birth on a donkey (inside Mary's body) and then he rode to His death on a donkey (the Triumphant entry into Jerusalem). In Bible Study last week, our lecture leader said that today donkeys are seen as lowly animals and horses are seen as regal. Yet, in Jesus's day, horses were used in war and donkeys were seen as peaceful animals. Jesus came to this world not to display violence and wrath, but love and peace. If you don't know Him, believe me when I say He loves you immensely! May this be the Easter when you ask Him to forgive you of your sins and you can then celebrate His resurrection personally.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

Happy Easter to you and your family, Kim :) Thanks for the sweet and caring comment on my blog. I miss you too and am glad we are friends :)