Monday, March 17, 2008

My Dynamic Duo

I cannot thank the Lord enough for my beautiful children. One of the best parts about raising these two little ones is watching the relationship grow between Philip and Braewyn. She brings out the sweetest side of him and he brings out her best laughs. Philip told me once (and these are actually the words he used), "Mommy, you know why I always wanted a baby sister? It's because I wanted someone to be in my house who I could play with." His prayer was answered. Here are some photos of them together.

Playing with Little People toys in the livingroom.

This one didn't turn out as planned. They are still so cute, but my first thought was, "This could be on the front of a welfare brochure."

Just hanging out at the Elmo workbench. Braewyn loves standing and being with Philip, so here she's in paradise!

And right before I took this next picture, Philip told me, "Mommy, boys wear glasses so they can be rock stars!" Looks like he's already found his first groupie!!


*Jess* said...

I can't believe I am seeing her stand up!! She is still supposed to be a baby in my mind!!! That picture of Philip and his guitar is my favorite :)

Woody said...

Wow, this gives me hope that siblings do really play together well. What blessings they both are!