Thursday, August 07, 2008

Opinion Poll -- My Hair

So I've gotten hooked on "America's Got Talent" over the last few weeks. Sharon Osbourne is one of the judges and my "opinion poll" question is: Should I dye my hair the color of hers? My hair was this color for a time in college; I was trying for a Julia Roberts-like red but it came out burgundy/maroon instead. I really did like it as it gave me a glamorous feel. This being said, I am now 10 years older, a wife and a mom. Do those things disqualify me from dying my hair an off-the-wall color? Let me know. Thanks!!


*Jess* said...

Funny, I was actually thinking of dyeing my hair as well! (not that color, but a different shade of brown) just for some excitement and change! I think we should go for it!

Anonymous said...

Kim, Your current hair color is a beautiful gift. If you were to dye it "Purple", I would believe that "Mr Thirsty" has taken your common sense. Love Dad.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think you should do it! It's just hair, you know?! Call me if you need some moral support and I'll come down the street to help!

Anonymous said...


Casey Wallace said...

Do what makes YOU feel good, Kim!

Lori said...

1. What does your husband think?
2. Will you regret it?
3. Is it worth the money?

Then make your decision-- it's not up to any of us. But, do, do , do, do have it professionally done if you change colors. And, do be prepared to be unhappy at first. Changing your hair drastically is always shocking.