Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things are coming along...

We've had a good day. Philip and I are still enjoying our books and activities found in "Before Five in a Row". This week's selection is "Caps for Sale". This morning we read the book, I read Proverbs 6:10-11 to Philip which speaks of sleeping while one should be working brings poverty (in the book, the peddler takes a nap and monkeys steal all his caps), and then I showed Philip what 50 cents looked like in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (in the book, the man is selling his caps for 50 cents each). It was a fun activity and helped Philip to get a first taste of counting by 5's and 10's and the worth of money. He's taking 50 cents to church tonight to give as his offering, and it will be two quarters, not 50 pennies!

Braewyn has been going pee on her little Pooh Bear potty sporadically for a few weeks. Every time I change her diaper these days, she says, "Potty?" before I can get the new diaper on meaning she wants to go try. Sometimes her diaper had been barely wet and she'll go more on her potty. This morning, Philip was in their bathroom but Braewyn started banging on the door and said "potty!" Philip said he was done (he's beginning to get modest around her which is good) and opened the door. She went in, I helped get her diaper off, and she peed and pooped in her potty!!!! We were all so excited. I had heard girls were easier to train but I never expected she would be doing this well two months before her second birthday. I am just keeping her in diapers for the time being with our plans to move in the next few months.

And that brings me to my last subject, our upcoming move!! We'll just be moving a town over (honestly on the other side of the highway because it's the line which divides one school district from another). My mom came over last Friday and helped me overhaul our kitchen. The countertops are bare save a spice rack, a wicker basket holding apples and a knife holder. We're trudging along little by little, tackling one room after another. Aside from dusting the ficus tree in the living room and arranging some pictures, that room is done. The kitchen just needs a few more cabinets wiped off and some things taken down from on top of the cabinets. The office, master bedroom, kids' room and closets still need to be tackled, but we're making progress. I can't wait to post my before and after pictures. The kitchen ones might be up tomorrow. We're calling a realtor in March and then begin house hunting. That part is what I can't wait for... actually walking through houses instead of continually looking in the real estate books and searching the MLS number on the internet to see photos of the inside of the houses!!! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Casey Wallace said...

A move! How exciting! Good luck with the house-hunting.

That's impressive about the potty-training! Abby Kate is still only half-way there. Scared to do #2 for some reason. Just hoping she'll get it down before this next bundle comes along!