Sunday, February 01, 2009

What a brilliant idea!!

Matthew and I were watching a show called "Modern Marvels" which featured how cheese is made and all the new developments coming along in that industry. They were talking about buffaloes (sp?) now being milked and that milk being used to make cheese. Matthew said he actually saw buffalo cheese offered at the Lotus conference he attended a few weeks ago in Orlando. This (the sight of a buffalo being mechanically milked) just struck me as very odd.

Me: "Buffaloes are dairy animals? Are they in the cow family?"

Matthew: "They are mammals. All mammals create milk. You created milk."

Me (having my brilliant idea which caused me to break into gut laughter): "I could make cheese. Human milk cheese. It would have been a perfect side business if I had kept pumping after weaning Braewyn!"

And then Matthew started into his recitation of the scene from "Meet The Parents" when Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller discuss milking cats and humans.

(As I type this, I am STILL laughing to myself but also wondering how many of you think I am COMPLETELY off my rocker!)

1 comment:

Katie Turner said...

NO COMMENTS??? Not one yet! That's hillarious! I laughed out loud reading it! Too funny. I'll have to keep that in mind when it's time for us to have kids -- there's a great side business in Human milk cheese! :) maybe I can be a stay at home mom after all. LOL!