Monday, December 07, 2009

25 Days of Christmas

My friend Jessie mentioned in her blog about keeping a running list of her family's Christmas activities this month. I felt a little healthy competition rising up in me to see if I could keep up (and maybe I'll encourage you, Jessie, to keep going with yours too!). Well, here goes...

December 1
I attended MOPS in the morning. Our speaker discussed many fun ideas to do with your family during the Christmas season. She handed out a special menu to accompany "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song. I might try it. We also attended the Dickens Christmas festival in our town. I was very much looking forward to it, but likewise it didn't seem to keep our family's attention. We did stay from 6:15pm until 8:10pm outside in the cold because I was determined to stay for the tree lighting. The kids weren't that thrilled but were overall good sports. We ducked into a dance attire store where Philip and Braewyn each snagged a free cookie while I daydreamed about the day Braewyn might take dance lessons and wear the cute outfits. I did get a Christmas card photo which I'll post here after sending my cards out (got to keep my card recipients in suspense!).

December 2
This week's Bible story in Philip's school curriculum was Matthew 2:2-10, the arrival of the wisemen to worship baby Jesus. We discussed how far they had walked (a few years time) and how we're so glad we don't have to walk to church or the store (probably less than 5 miles which may have been a daily task in Jesus' day). That evening I attended choir practice which lasted from 6:00-8:00pm. Our Christmas program is this coming weekend (Dec. 12 @ 6:00pm, Dec. 13 @ 9:00am and 11:00am!! You should come if you live in town or want to visit.) so we're getting all the last minute kinks out.

December 3
I'm drawing a blank as to what we did Christmas-related on Thursday. Matthew and I attended a Gideon dinner while the kids did watch a Christmas movie with Nana and Papa. Maybe that counts.

December 4
Philip and I got all the Christmas decoration boxes down from the attic. When Braewyn woke up from her nap, I decided to make Christmas cookies with them. We had a great time but I'm sure that hosting a children's cooking class is not one of my spiritual gifts. We were moments away from covering the entire kitchen in flour but things turned out for the best.

That evening we bought our Christmas tree which is beautiful but looks small to me. Our last house had a vaulted ceiling so we could buy an 8 foot tree. This one is about 6 1/2 feet. Still beautiful and casts cool shadows on the wall from the LED lights on it.

December 5
I snuck away to the mall by myself! The mall commotion really doesn't bother me and especially not if I'm by myself going my own pace. I bought new glasses as my prescription has changed (for the better!) and picked up a few surprises for a few of the people in my house. Can't wait until Christmas morning... I know what Santa's bringing one special little girl! That evening we decorated the tree. I forgot that you have to teach someone how to put ornaments on the branches. Braewyn really didn't get it and so was happy just passing them to me to put on. I tried several times to have her do it, but she wasn't interested.

December 6
Last night we attended our church's children's Christmas program. It was very cute, but I had one child who sat and watched attentively and one child who pranced around in the aisle and crawled under the pews. Any takers on which was which? :)

December 7
Today in our school lessons, Philip and I read Luke 2:8-20, the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds. His memory verse for December is "Glory to God in the highest," Luke 2:14, so it was nice to read the surrounding passage. Tonight I again attended choir practice from 6:20-8:20pm. I think we're getting a little closer to being ready for "opening night". No matter what happens, I pray God is glorified!!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

You are such a fun mom! They had a blast making cookies, didn't they?

And you know I'd be happy to practice my photography on your kids anytime! Jo Ellen was going to see if I could do a Christmas Card picture for her, but that was before the chaos ensued in her home. Just let me know what afternoon would work for you!