Saturday, December 12, 2009

More 25 Days of Christmas

And here we go with the rest of week 2...

December 8

Today's school craft called for decorating angels on paper plates. The kids enjoyed "painting" the angels with glitter glue. Very festive!

Philip also decided that our Little People nativity set should be placed under our tree.

That evening Matthew and I hit four stores in four hours and our Christmas shopping is complete. It was great as there were NO lines in any store probably due to it being a very cold, rainy night. Hey, we had a great time together and I am SO EXCITED for Christmas morning!

December 9

We spent a few hours outside this morning. It was miserably cold but the kids played in the driveway with ride-on toys and I hung Christmas lights on the front porch roof. Braewyn decided our Christmas reindeer could be a ride-on toy for Baby Green (yeah, I'm not really creative with the baby names). I put the lights on as I had on the other house porch and they just didn't look quite right. Quite off centered and not quite done.

Later in the day Philip began coloring his Poptarts box gingerbread house. I found the gingerbread flavored Poptarts to be my new favorite flavor. Probably should go buy a few more boxes before they are discontinued with the end of the holiday season. I finished the day with our final choir practice for "Christmas Encounter". We ran through it twice and everyone felt fairly comfortable.

December 10

Thursday night, we watched "Prep & Landing" together as a family. It was on Tuesday night so we taped it as that was our shopping night. Good thing too because we love it. I was skeptical as the commercials announced it as Disney's newest holiday special meaning to me, all commercialism and nothing traditional. Well, it was strictly Santa and no baby Jesus, but it was a spy movie for kids! The little elves arrive at the house before Santa and scope it out before hand. Very cute references to "The Night Before Christmas" story and teaches a great lesson: hard work is more important than notoriety.

December 11

I decided to venture back outside and rework the Christmas lights. Now they hang uniformly around the doorway of the porch and to either side. Not too flashy but very nice. Philip finished his Poptarts gingerbread house which is also very nice! At lunchtime, we watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" which was a great way to finish our school week. This week's story had been Luke 2:8-20, the passage Linus recites in the show to remind Charlie what Christmas is really about. Thank you, Linus! And next we watched "Prep & Landing" again.

December 12

Tonight was the first presentation of our church choir's program, "Christmas Encounter". It seemed to go very well although I'm so glad to have the chance to do it again tomorrow -- twice! Tonight I had a bad case of stagefright prior to walking into the sanctuary. The first song was pretty much garbled up but I eased into my pretend mall browsing after that. The last few songs were very worshipful and I pray anyone in the building who didn't know Jesus personally felt His love at that moment. We returned home tonight to watch "Prep & Landing" for a third time! Good night.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

We are so bummed that we missed Prep and Landing! Jaina's school program was that same night and we forgot to record it.