Sunday, December 06, 2009

More Pics

Here's the recap of our awesome day at the State Fair. It's our second year running and this year was a tad more fun since Braewyn could really enjoy things also this time. Thank you again, Elise and Arden, for letting us "crash" your big family day at the fair. It worked out to be a cool field trip as we had just finished our "F" week in school. "F" is for Fair!!!

Our first Thanksgiving in our new house was likewise a wonderful day. Why not christen a house by inviting 15 people over for your first gathering? They were all beloved family members who love us just the same and plus it gave me a little fuel to get the house in order. Everyone brought an item to add to the menu, Matthew fried the turkey to a yummy crispiness, and the Foards (Matthew's great aunt's family) brought their cornhole set which provided great outside activity. So much fun in fact that Matthew's currently building one for us in the garage! Yeah, maybe I'll actually improve my cornhole skills.

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