Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In the Sick House

Well, Matthew's had a deep cough for about a month. He started taking antibiotics this week and I haven't heard him cough much.

Braewyn came down with pink eye a week ago from last Saturday. She let us put the drops in like a trooper. However I failed to wash her sheets and favorite blanket, "Lankie", and so the crusty eyes were back this past Sunday. Thankfully, there are enough drops for round 2.

Philip said his stomach hurt a little during his birthday dinner on Friday. Saturday morning he woke up feeling very hot. By noon, his temp was 102 F, and that afternoon it hit 103 F. I didn't give him any Tylenol as he said he didn't feel that bad so I hoped it would burn off a virus or whatever he had. Sunday he awoke with a temp of 98.6 F so I assumed he had had a 24-hour bug like I had earlier last week. We took the kids to Sunday School (Philip to Daddy's senior high boys' class and Braewyn to my senior high girls' class) and morning worship to keep them from infecting the other kids in the nursery hall. Monday and Tuesday, Philip seemed ok but a tad less energetic than normal. This morning, I was trying to decide whether he was feeling well enough to meet some friends at Chick-Fil-A for a playdate. I then received a call from a friend who was also going to Chick-Fil-A to say her son had strep throat. This made me wonder if I should call Philip's pediatrician to find out if he should stay away from other kids due to his symptoms. After telling a nurse about his fever over the weekend, she told me to bring him in since he had been sick for 5 days. What do you know, Philip has strep throat too! I hope he didn't give it to his friend, but maybe so. Now he's on antibiotics too. We'll see if all four of us will be healthy at the same time before winter is over.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

oh no! Strep isn't fun! And on his birthday, too :( Poor Philip! I hope he's on the mend!

Also, watch out for B to get it... its very contagious!