Last week, Philip attended science camp each day from 1-4pm. It was my plan to arrange play dates for Braewyn, take Juliet with me to the science center, and spend the time waiting on Philip reading my schedule making plan book. Well, the week didn't go as scheduled but I can clearly see it was according to the plans God had for me instead of the plans I had for me.
Monday, I took Braewyn across the street from the science center to a water fountain park. It was a lot of fun until another little kid ran right into her and she literally skidded across the concrete. Bandaids on both knees and one forearm and then we were headed home. Matthew thankfully only works two blocks from the science center and so he was able to bring Philip home.
Tuesday, Braewyn did play at a friend's house while I spent three hours attempting to read through my scheduling book while Juliet napped on a bench. Alas, I didn't know dance camp would let out in the hall where we were and Juliet ended up awake most of the afternoon, happy yet attracting lots of attention from passersby!
Wednesday, Braewyn and I joined a friend and her daughter for a swim date at their neighborhood pool. It was a relaxing afternoon and a special time to catch up on what was going on in each other's lives. She also lent me a precious baby float. It makes Juliet look like she is floating in the middle of a flower!
Thursday was intended to be a day to drop Braewyn and Juliet off at my mom's and return home to clean. Well, I ended up staying as my parents bought one of those plastic baby pools and it was too much fun watching Braewyn "go underwater" in one foot of water!
Friday was a great day for Philip and I to spend together. A field trip was scheduled for this last day of science camp. Maybe I'm overprotective, maybe I'm appropriately protective but I wasn't going to sign the release form for Philip to ride with an insured parent whom I had never laid eyes on. I decided upon receiving that form that I would be the insured parent and drive him myself. It worked out well as I drove Philip and another 7-yr-old boy just 5 minutes down the road to a beautifully landscaped garden which I'd never been to before. It was a fun day and a nice unexpected escape from my busy life.
However, I have been plugging along with reading the scheduling book and have written out mine and Juliet's Daily Activity sheets. On this, you list all the activities you feel God wants you to do in your day and state how long each activity takes. Here's the rundown on my typical day.
Quiet Time with the Lord -- 1/2 hr
Nurse Juliet -- 3 hr (obviously not in one sitting!)
Prepare breakfast -- 1/2 hr
Eat breakfast -- 1/2 hr
Prepare lunch -- 1/2 hr
Eat lunch -- 1/2 hr
Prepare dinner -- 1 hr
Eat dinner -- 1/2 hr
Exercise -- 1/2 hr
Laundry folding -- 1/2 hr
Morning chores -- 1/2 hr
Afternoon chores -- 1/2 hr
Sleep -- 7 hr
Computer time or read -- 1/2 hr
Time with Matthew -- 1 hr
Shower/hair/makeup -- 1/2 hr (we'll see if I can stick to this!)
School (Philip 2 1/2 hr; Braewyn 1 hr) -- 3 1/2 hr
Kids' bath or Book time -- 1 hr
Individual playtime with Mommy (Philip-T/Th, Braewyn-M/W,Together-F) -- 1/2 hr
Evening family devotion -- 1/2 hr
It feels really good to get it down on paper!
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