Saturday, February 25, 2012

Juliet's TWO birthday parties!

Philip and Braewyn managed to each have two 1st birthday parties due to family situations or travel. I thought Juliet would be slighted but I was intending to have just one party for her. However, I suppose God thought differently as she, like her big brother and sister, can now tell people that she also had two 1st birthday parties!

I had her party planned for Saturday, Feb. 18th, the day after her actual birthday. We unfortunately got the bad news that Matthew's Grandma Brown had passed away on Wednesday, Feb. 15th and so on that day, we hurriedly packed and headed up to Kentucky to spend the next five days with our family there. It was a bittersweet time of reconnecting with family we don't see often, remembering (and hearing of the memories) their sweet Grandma Brown (Ruth Ann's mom), and celebrating the 1st birthday of one little miss in the mix. Matthew's cousin Cheryl very generously offered to bake Juliet a cake so we could have a make-shift party on her birthday. We were heading to the funeral home for the visitation so she didn't have too much time with that cake.
Enough to turn the bath water brown though!

Fast forward one week to today. Everyone invited to the original party here at our house was able to come to the rescheduled party and it was wonderful. Matthew and I decided on an easy to fix and eat lunch of sandwiches, chips, dips, strawberries, nuts, and M&M's. I wish I had taken a picture of the spread because it looked really good.
Lunch was followed by present opening and as one of my friends said, "Juliet is going to be one well-dressed little girl!" If asked I actually told my family and friends that she could use some clothes. Braewyn turned 1 at the beginning of summer so all her 12-mth clothes are for warm weather. Therefore, Juliet got lots of nice warm things to wear plus her very own baby Bible (thanks again, Grace)!
Finally, the moment we were all waiting for had arrived... the cake eating or destroying as you will soon see.
We love you, sweet Juliet!
The little beauty...
becomes a little, chocolate beast!
I thank the Lord for my baby girl. She has been such a blessing to our family. It's hard for me to imagine her walking (running!) around the house and having conversations with Philip and Braewyn, but in a blink of an eye, we will be there. With her being my third child, I am trying that much harder to keep her little as I know how fast she will be big like Philip and Braewyn.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

I am so sorry about Matthew's grandma's passing :( Happy birthday to Juliet!