Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Philip's "Birthday" Present

Our friends and neighbors Brian and Jessie bought their son Jayce a cool sand and water play table for his 1st birthday last month. When they picked it up from the store, they were given a large cardboard box. When Jessie opened it at home, she realized there were actually two play tables in the box. Matthew and I attended Jayce's birthday party and found it strange to see two of the same play tables on their back porch. Jessie told us the story of finding two in the box so I mentioned to her that if she were stuck with them, Philip would probably love one for himself. After she called the store and was told it was a mistake on their part, she said the extra table was all ours whenever we wanted to pick it up. Brian helped Matthew carry it across the street and I gave him a check to help defer the cost they had paid ($70!!).

Philip was excited and soon began to play in the sand. As Matthew and I watched him playing like a big boy, Matthew said, "Well, Philip, happy birthday." For those new to the blog, this is May and Philip's birthday is January 22. Back around December, I had my eye on the Incrediblock from Fisher Price for his 1st birthday present. Well, with it being Christmas time, everyone was sold out. Christmas and his birthday came and went and many new toys populated our house. The Incrediblock slipped my mind as did the fact that we NEVER bought our son a gift for his birthday!! Such bad parents, or maybe subconsciously we are trying to keep him grounded and not become materialistic! Either way, the sand/water table will be lots of fun throughout the summer! Glad you like your present, Philip!!

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