Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tomorrow is the day!

Mom will have surgery to reverse her ileostomy tomorrow at 11:30am. Thank you for keeping her and the rest of our family in your prayers. Here are some specific requests:

1. Safety for my grandparents Jim and Elsie and aunt Liz as they drive here from Atlanta today.
2. Mom to have a good night of sleep tonight and awake tomorrow feeling at peace.
3. Guidance for Mom's surgeon Dr. Dunn's hands tomorrow during the operation.
4. A short stay in the hospital (predicting 3-4 days).
5. NO NG TUBE (tube down Mom's throat which she HATED last time); this would only be needed if her intestines don't process food correctly.

Thank you for remembering us. May the Lord be glorified through Mom's situation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Patty,
My thoughts and prayers have always been heading your way through this whole process, but today I'm sending a special one that will include all of Kim's requests for you and ask our heavenly father to chose what else you may need for comfort. He is with you as we all are, with hearts wide open to be there for you when you need us. Keep smiling. You are headed for the finish line and soon you'll be good as new. I'll be in touch in a few days. With YOU in Mind, Valerie