Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Update on Baby Girl -- Week 26 Check-up

Today I had my routine montlly OB check-up and glucose test. The glucose test went well (drank syrupy orange drink and had two vials of blood drawn an hour later) althouth I won't know the results until my next appointment. However there was a little more to my appointment with the doctor than expected. I am so pleased to know that my OB practice is being very proactive in watching this pregnancy since I went into pre-term labor with Philip at 32 weeks. (I was admitted to the hospital and stayed for two nights. The contractions were stopped the first night, but I was given steroid shots to strengthen his lungs had he been born early. The little munchkin must have been annoyed by it because he stayed put and then was born four days after his due date!)

Anyway, my first pre-term labor was due to an irritable uterus which I learned can be reoccuring with subsequent pregnancies. This means I am now going for check-ups every 2 weeks. The doctor will do the normal heartbeat check and stomach measurements. Then I will also go into the ultrasound room where the technician will swab my cervix to check for a certain hormone. This tells them if I will go into labor within two weeks. So amazing the things the medical world has these days. I will also receive ultrasounds during which she checks my cervix for any changes and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. Today all of this looked perfect so nothing to worry about yet.

As I was told it happened last time possibly due to being somewhat dehydrated, I'm trying to drink a lot more water. I suppose I should also begin to rest more so I'm going to go lay down since Philip is sleeping now too. I pray everything goes smoothly for our little girl however it was nice to see her again today. I think she waved at us!

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