Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Philip's first talk with "Ms. Ann"

"Ms. Ann" is our Children's Ministry Director at church. I heard lots of friends say their children went to speak with Ann when they had spiritual questions so after a few recent questions, I thought it was time Philip had a chat with "Ms. Ann". I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Philip grow in his understanding about the Bible and Jesus. No, he's not got it all figured out, but even preachers have things they're waiting to ask God about. From the last two years in Sunday School and Bible Study, Philip has learned a lot of the stories and this year is even beginning to understand why Jesus died for us (he'll tell you, "because of our sin").

Well, the recent conversations went something like this.

Me: "Philip, why did you just hit Braewyn? That was mean."

Philip: "Mommy, I like being mean."

Me: "What? Why would you want to be mean?"

Philip: "Because I want Jesus to die. Then He can come back to life."

Me: (thinking to myself) "Whoa! That's approaching the theological debate Paul addressed in Romans 6 ("What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" v. 1-2)."

And thus came my thought to visit "Ms. Ann". After having a short chat with him, Ann told me that Philip had talked about thinking Jesus didn't love him because he had been mean to Braewyn. She reassured him that no matter if he did the worst thing he could ever do, Jesus would always still love him. (You gotta love children's ministry workers!) I also expressed my concerns to her that sometimes I worry about overdoing the spiritual teaching and that Philip will end up being a rebel. She said a lot of parents struggle with that. She made me feel better by saying her daughter Kim was a deep thinker like Philip is and she went through the same thoughts with her being their first child. However, Kim accepted Jesus as her Lord at age 4 and she has turned out to be a really great girl (today attends New Orleans Theological Seminary!). We'll see what God has in store for Philip over the next several years. It's really exciting!


*Jess* said...

As with everything in life, moderation is key. I think you've found a good balance with teaching Philip spiritual knowledge coupled with worldly knowledge. I am so impressed with how deep a thinker he is!

Its been my experience that children rebel when parents force their ideas and practices on them. That is different than helping them instill a love for God themselves. I am sure you've heard the expression, "Living on borrowed light". I think Philip will have no problem having letting his own little light shine :)

Kim said...

Thanks, Jessie. I actually told Ann my concern that sometimes I worry I'm overdoing it and that he'll rebel (i.e. Franklin Graham), but I know the Lord wants me to pour into Philip while he's young and his little heart is still so receptive. Yeah, you know how much he likes Spiderman and Batman too!