Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Day Job

My full-time job title is Mother. I love and care for my husband of course, but the majority of my waking hours are spent tending to Philip and Braewyn. I try my best as this is more than just keeping them occupied and out of harm's way. God has blessed Matthew and I with two unique, incredible, little (for now) people who are very impressionable at this stage. Lori recommended a book last Thanksgiving which I bought a few weeks later. Unfortunately, I started and stopped reading it twice since then, getting side tracked with other things. A few friends keep a running list of the books they are reading on their sidebars. I'm starting my list with this book, "The Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson, as it really is a great book. Also seeing the cover on my blog will inspire me to read it completely through this time as I'm not removing it from the blog until I finish it.

Knowing that it was the Lord who entrusted Matthew and I with the kids, I desire to raise them as He wants. A paragraph from page 3 sums up my thoughts on the subject which Clarkson expresses more percisely than I could.

"They don't need the sweet platitudes of faith that will momentarily placate their emotions. They need the authentic strength that comes from the true foundation of a biblical-worldview and a proper understanding of the real Christ who is worthy of their worship. They need an unwavering, internal moral and spiritual compass that will help them weather today's storms and tomorrow's and will guide them for the rest of their lives. They also need to see what real faith looks like when lived day in, day out, so they will have a pattern to follow."

I pray to minister to the people in my own house, those people who need me the most.


Alison said...

Kim, I love how you included a passage from this book. It sounds like a book that I would enjoy. I'm thinking of picking up my own copy as well. Also, I wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and to thank you most importantly for your prayers the last several months! Things are much better for sure!! My goal is to live my life being the woman that God created me to be, and I pray for His guidance daily. There is no doubt in my mind that this is what He desires for my family, and I know that through Him all things are possible. I'm not sure what I would have done the last several months if I did not have a personal relationship with my Lord, and family and friends like you who prayed for us, but I do know that it would have been harder. Thank you again!!!

Lori said...

Happy Reading!!! Look forward to hearing what God teaches you!