Thursday, June 04, 2009

Prayers for the Gosselins

As I just returned home from Walmart and there glanced casually at the covers of the tabloids, I am again feeling led to ask others to join me in praying for Jon and Kate Gosselin and their family. Yes, I'm concerned for them even though I don't know them, but my main reasoning is for God to be glorified in their situation. No I'm not going to start praying for any and all celebrity couples who face divorce as that would take up my whole day. My thinking here is that the Gosselins are known Christians. They have spoken at churches and moreso, having read their book, "Multiple Blessings", they publicly claim Christ as Savior. My God who made the heavens and the earth is capable to do ALL things. I fully believe that if He chooses to soften their hearts toward each other and back to Him, they would give Him the glory as any Christian couple would. Marriage is hard work, i.e. the divorce rate being over 50% in America. As a wife who is a Christian, I cannot imagine making it work without having Christ in our lives. That's about all I wanted to say. It's not in the Lord's plans to earn popularity for popularity's sake, however we should pray for His name to be glorified in a way that those who do not know Him as Savior would desire to make that decision. Reconciling a marriage which has sunk to the level of the tabloids' descriptions (true or not) would be impossible in human ability alone. Let's pray, believing God is able, and just wait and see what He plans to do. I would be perfectly fine if the Gosselins somehow miraculously disappeared from public view and 20 years from now we hear that they have celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary giving God all the glory for it.

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