Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Team Impact comes home

For those reading who attended the Team Impact event at our church this weekend, here's a few photos of my own little Team Impact members showing their stuff.

Philip obviously didn't miss a thing of the real event as the reenactment was close to it. After "smashing" through the "wood planks", he blew up a "hot water bottle" (i.e. a hair brush which he threw across the room signifying the explosion) and tore apart "phone books" (i.e. slung a stack of story books left and right). I then asked him if he wanted to talk about anything as the men of Team Impact presented the Gospel message at their show. He said, "I work really hard at being strong. And Jesus loves everybody." Good synopsis. Later that afternoon when Matthew asked Philip about playing Team Impact and how he smashed up everything, Philip said, "Well, obviously they didn't really smash because I was using my toys." Quite the factual little guy.

And here's a photo of him with another bit of truth... I think this makes it official!

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