Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Castle for My Birthday

Today is my birthday and I'll have another post about that tomorrow. Yesterday we began the festivities by going to lunch as a family. I wanted to pick a restaurant that would be fun for all of us but some place special too.

This past week, Philip and I have been reading about how the Gospel spread through Europe from 300AD to 1000AD through the teachings of Augustine in Italy, Patrick in Ireland and Boniface in Germany. Strong men of God who sacrificed much in telling others about Jesus. Philip's history book also touched on the fact that at this time, Europe was not made of large nations but rather of kingdoms in which all the town people lived in a castle governed by a lord. The special project actually suggested constructing a castle from Legos (the key to Philip's heart) or other building blocks and surrounding it by a moat if possible.

Here are some pics of what we constructed. What could be more fun than Legos and a bathtub full of water!

Building the Lego castle helped me realize what a great restaurant choice would be... California Dreaming! It would provide a chance to visit the next best thing to a real castle!

Don't fall off the drawbridge!

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