Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Overgrown Carseat

These pictures just amaze me. The way God created humans to grow from a newborn infant into a full-grown adult should be enough to convince anyone of His presence. We've only had Philip in our lives for 10 months and his changes are astounding. Once a little, warm, helpless lump and now a babbling, toddling little guy with a funny, adventurous personality. Thank you Jesus again for this miracle!! Guess we should put "carseat" on Philip's Christmas list.


Lori said...

You may want to check the height and weight restrictions on the side. Hannah had outgrown her carrier (in length) by six months.

Len and Carrie said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up?! I am hoping Caroline will gain more weight before they turn one so she will be able to join us in facing the front! Gracie has no problem meeting the weight requirement, lol!