Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sweet Baby James

I'm writing this post and pleading with you for your prayers. One of my closest friends, Lisa, today found out that her sweet James, 2 1/2 yrs old, has leukemia. The doctors have told Lisa and her husband Denny that it is a treatable kind and should not return however there is a 2-2 1/2 year process to recovery. To make the situation even harder on them, they have two older children, Thomas (about 7) and Avery (about 5) and Lisa is pregnant with their fourth child and due on Christmas day. She was thinking this baby might come early as James was two weeks early. The stress can't help. She is such a thoughtful friend and wonderful mother. It breaks my heart for her to have to watch her son go through all the treatments and appointments I've just been through with my mom and little James won't even know why. He begins chemo tomorrow and will have a spinal tap at 10:00am. Please pray!!

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