Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving Day

Well it's about time I posted some Thanksgiving photos. We had a really great day. As is our tradition, we enjoyed the holiday at my mother-in-law Ruth Ann's house. Matthew's aunt Elise and uncle Arden brought the turkey which Matthew deep-fried in the driveway. Yummy! Matthew's Grandma, cousins Mollie and Paul and Mollie's fiance Michael were also there. Two years ago, my parents moved to town and actually live on Ruth Ann's street -- just at opposite ends. It's made holidays pretty easy and so they've joined the Brooks' clan the last few years. This year was especially nice for them to come because Mom hasn't been out of the house other than to the doctor's office for the last several weeks. She ate a small plate of room-temperature turkey, dressing and green beans. Dad enjoyed it all! My plan was for Philip to enjoy food cubes of the same thing we were eating, but his turkey cubes ran out a few days before. He feasted on ham, pineapple and turnip greens. He did love eating a piece of sweet potato pie (minus the crust) later that afternoon.

The family enjoying our Thanksgiving meal

Great-grandma feeds Philip in his classy high-chair

This is a four generation picture with Elise sitting in her brother Bill's place. Matthew's dad Bill is greatly missed and it is with sadness that I say I never met him. It's an incredible thought to think that his blood runs through my little Philip. A few people at church have said they see Bill in Philip! I am already praying for Philip to one day receive Jesus as his savior. One of the extra benefits will be meeting Grandpa Bill in heaven!!


Lori said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Thansgiving. I can't wait to be a part of the Christmas celebration!!! Thanks for updating your blog per my request! :)

Casey Wallace said...

Philip does look like his grandfather. One of my favorite memories of my uncle was when he used to get all of us kids in a huge pile, intertwine our legs together, and tickle us until we thought we'd die of laughter! I know Matthew will be as wonderful a father as his dad was. Thanks for sharing his memory in your blog. I know he would have adored you, Kim.