Thursday, August 24, 2006

Philip and his chalk

Sorry for the absence of new posts recently. I've been swamped between volunteering at our church in the absence of the secretary (they've been interviewing so hopefully I won't have to help out much longer; I really want to be there but it just swallows up my time to be doing other things), attending to my duties as Publicity chair for our new MOPS group and our women's ministry Ladies Celebration, taking care of Matthew, Philip and our home, and whatever else God allows to pop up into my day! I really am enjoying life these days, but I cherish my moments of stopping to breathe.

One of my newest favorite breaks would be watching Philip walk around the driveway and front yard. Mollie gave him a bucket of chalk which we can't go outside without!

Here's a few photos of my "big boy" just taking it easy himself. I say "big boy" because that's our latest tactic with him. Whenever Philip is on the verge of a temper tantrum, we say, "Philip can you calm down and be a big boy?" He nods and says "biboy". It works most of the time. Thank you Lord for our sweet biboy!

Yes, the chalk gets everywhere, but we have a good time.


Len and Carrie said...

Goodness!! Philip is getting so big!! We really must try to get together soon, he's gonna be driving before we get to meet him, lol!


Lori said...

Fun!!! Hannah loves her sidewalk chalk. Ruth Ann came right about the time Hannah had just finished learning her shapes (triangle, square, circle, star, and heart), so Grandma drew huge shapes on the driveway and would tell Hannah, "Go jump in the square!" or "Go stand in the triangle." Now whenever we take the chalk outside, Mommy has to draw the big huge shapes. I can't wait for Hannah and Philip to be together in Novemeber!!!