Thursday, August 10, 2006

Philip's Stats

Yesterday, Philip had his 18-month well baby check-up! The results are that he is a healthy, lively 18-month-old boy. I thought he was being much too fussy and wiggly, but both the nurse and his pediatrician, Dr. Shelly, said this is usually the hardest visit and that he was displaying typical 18-month-old behavior. Other than him being a little difficult to work with, Philip had a great a check-up. Dr. Shelly said she is very impressed with how he was acting (moving his sippy cup and my drink bottle back and forth between diaper bag pockets and the pull-out shelf on the examination table, touching his belly upon request, running/walking to me when she took him to the opposite corner of the room). She was even lucky enough to get a blown kiss from Philip... just as she was leaving the room!

His measurements:

Head: 19 inches (70%)
Height: 31.5 inches (25%)
Weight: 23.31 lbs. (17%)

Philip was born weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. (big in my mind), but he has remainded always on the small end of the weight scale. He actually even fell below the chart for a little while, but Dr. Shelly was not too concerned because his height and weight were at a good ratio. Just before logging in to Blogger, I saw an article on MSN which proves my thoughts all along! American babies are just getting too big these days and the percentage scale is skewed. Babies at 50-75% are as big as babies should be so it's actually healthier to be below 50%. My baby is not below average in health, but probably really better off. I'm not stating this to make anyone else feel bad (however if it causes a correct concern, you're welcome), but mainly to validate my own feelings. No mother wants to think her baby is not measuring up (literally this time). Philip, you are doing just fine and Mommy loves you soooo much!!

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