Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday's Feast # 188

Well, it's been a looooong time since I posted a Friday's Feast, but I needed an easy reason to post as it's been a while since doing that too. Things are good however. I'm really trying to work out my daily schedule with the kids and regular stay-at-home-mom stuff. Philip is all boy so he needs lots of physical play time as well as brain-stimulating activities. We're working through a barnyard preschool workbook which he really likes. He's getting pretty good at puzzles. And I'm slowly weaning him from wanting to watch television ALL THE TIME! Here's a sample of something Philip considers to be really, really fun...

Braewyn likewise is full steam ahead... crawling everywhere! It's so precious because Philip never crawled so we are really enjoying being able to call Braewyn from one end of the hallway, and so thereafter, here she comes. I can hardly believe her birthday is next Friday!

Speaking of which, here are my Friday's Feast answers.

Appetizer: Name something you would categorize as weird. Not loving the beach.
Soup: What color was the last piece of food you ate? Brown and beige (a chocolate-covered Crueller at Krispy Kreme!)
Salad: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy being alone? These days 7 because it happens very rarely and I wish it would happen more (or that I could have time to do whatever I wanted, i.e. sleep in!!).
Main Course: Fill in the blank: I will _________ vote for ___________ in _______. I will not vote for Obama in November.
Dessert: Describe your sleeping habits. Go to bed too late (now for example), toss and turn for a few minutes, wake up when sounds come through the baby monitor (I really think Braewyn spoke in her sleep last night!), and wake up at 6:00am to, Lord-willing, have a few minutes to myself to spend studying the Bible before it all starts again!


*Jess* said...

What a creative slide! That looks fun!

*Jess* said...

We definitely need to get the kids together soon! I miss you!